To the extent permitted by law, in no event will bp, nor its directors, employees,
agents, partners or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the
BPme app (Representatives), be liable under contract, tort (including negligence) or
otherwise under or in connection with these Terms and/or your use of or inability to
use the BPme app and any of the Services. This applies, without limitation, to any
loss or damage which you, or your bp Fuelcard account holder or any joint-holder of
a Nominated Card, may suffer as a result of or in connection with:
a. any third party software and services embedded in the BPme app, including
payments services (see clause 13 above);
b. any bugs, viruses, trojans, or the like (originating from third parties or you);
c. the actions or inactions of other BPme app users;
d. you selecting an incorrect site, pump number or your Selected Pump not being hung
up correctly after fuelling is complete when using Pay in Car (see clauses 5.6 and
5.7 above);
e. the actions or inaction of participating retailers;
f. suspension or loss of access to the BPme app or any functionality;
g. unauthorised use or misuse of your BPme account for any reason where bp has not
received written notice of deletion in accordance with clause 3.4;
h. unauthorised access to your BPme account or any information provided using your
BPme account, including payment information;
i. any Pre-Authorisation Hold (see clause 4.8 above); and/or
j. your BPme Everyday Rewards QR Code, including errors, omissions or delays in
applicable discounts.